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Welcome to my portfolio. Here you’ll find a selection of my work. Explore my projects to learn more about what I do.

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This is my slab slump mold. I created it into a bowl at first but i wanted to go for something more abstract and make the edges look broken and jagged. Then I glazed it blue and rounded out the edges. My plan for this project was to make a bowl that I can use to hold my keys/ wallet on my nightstand. The steps I planned were
1. wedge a decent amount of clay
2. roll a slab 
3. place the slab on the bowl slump mold
4. let dry in sun and take off
5. rip off edges and glaze blue
6. enjoy zed masterpiece 


This is my Slab structure dart. I created This and planned for it to be fairly small and black. I invivisioned it to maybe hold some pencils but mostly just look nice. The steps I took to create this peice was,
1. first I wedged a decent amount of clay and rolled a slab

2. then I scored and slipped the slab together into a cylinder shape

3. then I created a foot for the piece 

4. after that  I scored and slipped the foot to the bottom of the piece and filled in the bottom 

5. then I glazed the bottom

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Making my coil pot was a challenging experience that took a lot of time and patience. I planned out how many coils I needed and decided what types of coils would work best. I started by rolling out a slab of clay and cutting out a circle for the base. Then, I began building the pot by adding coils, one by one. I used water to rehydrate the coils when they got too dry and slipped and scored each one to make sure they stuck together.

To keep the inside of the pot smooth, I applied clay and slip to fill in any gaps. This step took extra time but helped the pot look more polished and sturdy. Once I finished building the pot, I glazed it in mostly blue with some green accents, which gave it a nice, colorful finish.

One of the hardest parts of the project was keeping the shape consistent and symmetrical. It was tricky to make sure everything lined up evenly, and I had to adjust the coils as I worked to avoid any lopsidedness. Overall, even though it was frustrating at times, I’m proud of how it turned out. This project taught me a lot about patience and technique, and I’ll use what I learned for future pottery projects.

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